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2020 2019
2018 2017
2016 2015
2014 2013
2012 2011
2010 2009
2008 2007
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2002 2001
2000 1999
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1989 1987

1) |
L. Arbelaez, P.-M. Geffroy, A. Aimable, K. Fukuda, and E. Béchade,
“Advancements in c- Axis-Oriented Apatite-Type Lanthanum Silicate Polycrystal Formed by Reactive Diffusion between La2SiO5 and SiO2,”
Ceram. Int., in press. |
1) |
K. Fukuda, F. Nakajima, D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, T. S. Suzuki, A. Berghout, A. Bouzid, O. Masson, and P. Thomas, “Calcium Ion Conduction Anisotropy of b-Axis-Aligned CaAl4O7 Polycrystal,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 132, 409-414 (2024). |
2) |
K. Shimotsukasa, D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, and K. Fukuda, “La3+ Conduction in Cuspidine-Type Compound La4Ga2O9,”
Chem. Mater., 36, 4821-4828 (2024). |
3) |
K. Fukuda, R. Watanabe, H. Nakamori, D. Urushihara, and T. Asaka, “Microstructure of Polycrystalline Lanthanum Silicate Oxyapatite formed by Solid-Gas Reactive Diffusion,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 132, 415-421 (2024). |
4) |
D. Urushihara, M. Maruyama, K. Fukuda, and T. Asaka,
“Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Gadolinium Barium Cobalt Oxide Gd8Ba5Co4O21 with CoO5 Square Pyramids,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 132, 252-256 (2024). |
1) |
F.-Z. Abir, Y. E. Hafiane, A. Smith, Y. Kondo, Y. Sakai, T. Asaka, K. Fukuda, M. Mesnaoui, Y. Abouliatim, and L. Nibou, “Chemical Synthesis and Crystallographic Data on Iron Doped Cubic Ye'elimite,”
Cem. Concr. Res., 173, 107257 (2023). |
2) |
S. Okada, F. Maekawa, R. Tago, Y. Kobayashi, I. Terao, A. Mineshige, D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, and K. Fukuda, “Preparation of Grain-Aligned Polycrystal of Doped Lanthanum Silicate Oxyapatite by Templated Grain Growth Method and Evaluation of Its Structural and Electrical Properties,”
Solid State Ionics, 399, 116309 (2023). |
3) |
S. Konishi, D. Urushihara, T. Hayakawa, K. Fukuda, T. Asaka, K. Ishii, N. Naoda, M. Okada, H. Akamatsu, H. Hojo, M. Azuma, and K. Tanaka,
“Confirmation of Ferroelectricity, Piezoelectricity, and Crystal Structure of the Electronic Dielectric TmFe2O4,”
Phys. Rev. B, 108, 014105 (2023). |
4) |
L. Arbelaez, P.-M. Geffroy, A. Aimable, M. Colas, K. Fukuda, and E. Béchade, “Diffusion Mechanisms between La2SiO5 and SiO2 during Formation of Textured Lanthanum Silicate Oxyapatite Crystals,”
Ceram. Int., 49, 31428-31438 (2023). |
5) |
K. Fukuda, S. Okada, I. Terao, A. Mineshige, D. Urushihara, and T. Asaka, “Optimized Preparation of c-Axis-Aligned Polycrystal of Doped Lanthanum Silicate Oxyapatite and Evaluation of Its Electrical Properties,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 131, 870-876 (2023). |
1) |
D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, M. Harada, S. Kondo, M. Nakayama, M. Ogino, E. Owaki, and K. Fukuda,
“Synthesis and Structural Characterization of U-phase, [3Ca2Al(OH)6][Na(H2O)6(SO4)2·6H2O] Layered Double Hydroxide,”
J. Solid State Chem., 306, 122730 (2022). |
2) |
K. Fukuda, R. Harada, H. Banno, D. Urushihara, and T. Asaka,
“Discovery of Fast Calcium-Ion Conduction in Grossite-Type Compounds CaAl4O7 and CaGa4O7 by Bond Valence Screening Method,”
ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 5, 3227–3234 (2022). |
3) |
“回折法および顕微鏡法を用いた結晶構造解析(Crystal Structure Analysis Using Diffraction and Microscopy Methods),”
特集 セラミックスの結晶構造解析の最近の動向,
セラミックス, 57, 10月号 (2022). |
4) |
Y. Sakai, D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, K. Fukuda, Z. Yang, N. Tanibata, H. Takeda and M. Nakayama,
“Octahedral Tilting and Modulation Structure in Perovskite-Related Compound La1/3NbO3,”
Phys. Status Solidi B, 259, 210056 (2022). |
1) |
第11章 MEM-MPF解析,(株)朝倉書店(2021). |
2) |
D. Urushihara, K. Tanaka, K. Fukuda, and T. Asaka,
“Impurity-Induced Antiferromagnetism in S = 1/2 Alternating Chain System NaCu2VP2O10,”
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 90, 085002 (2021). |
3) |
D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, K. Fukuda, M. Nakayama, Y. Nakahira, C. Moriyoshi, Y. Kuroiwa, O. K. Forslund, N. Matsubara, M. Månsson, K. Papadopoulos, Y. Sassa, K. Ohishi, J. Sugiyama, Y. Matsushita, and H. Sakurai,
“Structural Transition with a Sharp Change in Electrical Resistivity and Spin-Orbit Mott Insulating State in a Rhenium Oxide, Sr3Re2O9,”
Inorg. Chem. 60, 507-514 (2021). |
4) |
K. P. Sharma, A. K. Sharma, T. Asaka, and T. Maruyama,
“Transmissible Plasma-Evolved Suspended Graphene for TEM Observation Window,”
ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 4, 1485-1494 (2021). |
5) |
S. Tada, M.D. Mallmann, H. Takagi, J. Iihama, N. Asakuma, T. Asaka, Y. Daiko, S. Honda, R.K. Nishihora, R.A.F. Machado, S. Bernard, and Y. Iwamoto,
“Low Temperature In Situ Formation of Cobalt in Silicon Nitride toward Functional Nitride Nanocomposites,”
Chem. Commun., 57, 2057 (2021). |
6) |
S. Tada, N. Asakuma, S. Ando, T. Asaka, Y. Daiko, S. Honda, M. Haneda, S. Bernard, R. Riedel, and Y. Iwamoto,
“Novel Hydrogen Chemisorption Properties of Amorphous Ceramic Compounds Consisting of p-block Elements: Exploring Lewis Acid-Base Al-N Pair Sites Formed In Situ within Polymer-Derived Silicon-Aluminum-Nitrogen-Based Systems,”
J. Mater. Chem. A, 9, 2959 (2021). |
7) |
S. Hirose, D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, and T. Kimura,
“Improved Room-Temperature Magnetoelectric Effect and Crystal Structure in Polycrystalline BaSrCo2Fe11AlO22,”
Appl. Phys. Lett., 118, 062407 (2021). |
8) |
T. Hayashida, K. Kimura, D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, and T. Kimura,
“Observation of Ferrochiral Transition Induced by an Antiferroaxial Ordering of Antipolar Structural Units in Ba(TiO)Cu4(PO4)4,”
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 3638-3646 (2021). |
9) |
D. Urushihara, K. Nakajima, A. Nakamura, K. Fukuda, H. Sugai, S. Konishi, K. Tanaka, and T. Asaka,
“Unique Octahedral Rotation Pattern in the Oxygen-Deficient Ruddlesden-Popper Compound Gd3Ba2Fe4O12,”
Acta Crystallogr. C, 77 286-290 (2021). |
10) |
Z. Li, M. Saruyama, T. Asaka, Y. Tatetsu, and T. Teranishi,
“Determinants of Crystal Structure Transformation of Ionic Nanocrystals in Cation Exchange Reactions”,
Science, 373, 332–337 (2021). |
11) |
T. Murata, T. Asaka, and S. Hirose,
“Nonlinear Dielectric Response and Positive Dielectric Tunability in Antipolar CaTiSiO5,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 104, 5794-5802 (2021). |
1) |
M. Komabuchi, D. Urushihara, Y. Kimata, M. Okabe, T. Asaka, K. Fukuda, K. Nakano, and K. Yamamoto,
"Influence of Cobalt Substitution on the Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of X-type Hexaferrites Sr2CoxFe30−xO46,"
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 498, 166115 (2020). |
2) |
D. Urushihara, T. Matsumura, K. Nakajima, K. Fukuda, T. Abe, C. Moriyoshi, Y. Kuroiwa, and T. Asaka,
"Charge Ordering and Successive Phase Transitions of Mixed-valence Iron Oxide GdBaFe2O5,"
J. Solid State Chem., 282, 121069 (2020). |
3) |
H. Nakano, S. Ando, K. Kamimoto, Y. Hiramatsu, Y. Michiue, N. Hirosaki, and K. Fukuda,
"Incommensurately Modulated Crystal Structure and Photoluminescence Properties of Eu2O3- and P2O5-Doped Ca2SiO4 Phosphor,"
Materials, 13(1), 58 (2020). |
4) |
K. Fukuda, T. Eguchi, F. Maekawa, D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, H. Yoshida, E. Béchade, O. Masson, and P. Thomas,
"Morphology and Oxide-Ion Conductivity of Flux Grown Single Crystals of BaO-Doped Lanthanum Silicate Oxyapatite,"
Solid State Ionics, 346, 115219 (2020). |
5) |
L. Arbelaez, P.-M. Geffroy, A. Aimable, K. Fukuda, and E. Béchade, "High-Purity Synthesis of La2SiO5 by Solid-State Reaction between La2O3 and Different Characteristics of SiO2,"
Ceram. Int., 46(16, A), 25546-25555 (2020). |
6) |
K. Fukuda, F. Maekawa, T. Eguchi, Y. Tsunoda, D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, and H. Yoshida, “Templated Grain Growth of Textured Lanthanum Silicate Oxyapatite Ceramics,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 128, 954–961 (2020). |
7) |
M. Komabuchi, D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, K. Fukuda, T. Ohhara, K. Munakata, and Y. Ishikawa,
“Crystal Structure and Cation Distribution of the X-type Hexaferrite Sr2Co2Fe28O46,”
J. Phy. Soc. Jpn., 89, 034601 (2020). |
8) |
D. Urushihara, S. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, and T. Asaka,
“Crystal Structure and Magnetism in the S = 1/2 Spin Dimer Compound NaCu2VP2O10,”
IUCrJ, 7, 656-662 (2020). |
9) |
T. Asaka, R. Matsumoto, K. Kimura, D. Urushihara, H. Ichikawa, M. Komabuchi, H. Iwama, K. Tanaka, K. Fukuda, N. Happo, K. Kakimoto, and K. Hayashi,
“Average and Local Crystal Structures of Multiferroic Eu1-xYxMnO3 (x = 0.2 and 0.4),”
Phys. Status Solidi B, 257, 2000334 (2020). |
10) |
D. Urushihara, S. Kawaguchi, R. Harada, T. Asaka, and K. Fukuda,
“Crystal Structure and Conductive Pathway of a Novel Na Ion Conductor NaCu2VP2O10,”
Mater. Lett., 277, 128373 (2020). |
11) |
M. Nagao, A. Miura, D. Urushihara, Y. Maruyama, Y. Goto, Y. Mizuguchi, C. Moriyoshi, Y. Kuroiwa, Y. Wang, S. Watauchi, T. Asaka, Y. Takano, K. Tadanaga, and I. Tanaka,
“Flux Growth and Superconducting Properties of (Ce,Pr)OBiS2 Single Crystals,”
Front. Chem., 8, 44 (2020). |
12) |
Z. Yang, R. E. Ward, N. Tanibata, H. Takeda, M. Nakayama, and T. Asaka,
“Arrangement in La1/3NbO3 Obtained by First-Principles Density Functional Theory with Cluster Expansion and Monte Carlo Simulation,”
J. Phys. Chem. C, 124, 9746-9754 (2020). |
13) |
H. Yu, K. Takubo, T. Ishikawa, S. Koshihara, M. Hada, T. Asaka, K. Ozawa, K. Shigematsu, M. Azuma, and Y. Okimoto,
“Ultrafast Nonlinear Spectroscopy in (111) Oriented Bismuth Ferrite Oxide,”
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 89, 063401 (2020). |
14) |
Y. J. Kim, S. Konishi, M. Okada, M. Komabuchi, D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, and K. Tanaka,
“Spin Glass Transition of Single-Crystalline TmFe2O4-δ,”
J. Phys.: Cond. Matt., 32, 405801 (2020). |
15) |
K. Kimura, D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, M. Toyoda, A. Miyake, M. Tokunaga, A. Matsuo, K. Kindo, K. Yamauchi, and T. Kimura,
“Synthesis, Structure, and Anomalous Magnetic Ordering of the Spin-1/2 Coupled Square Tetramer System K(NbO)Cu4(PO4)4,”
Inorg. Chem. 59, 10986-10995 (2020). |
16) |
S. Nakamura, J. Inukai, T. Asaka, J. Yamaura, and S. Ohara,
“Enantiopure Crystal Growth of a Chiral Magnet YbNi3Al9 via the Flux Method with a Temperature Gradient,”
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 89, 104005 (2020). |
17) |
S. Tada, S. Ando, T. Asaka, Y. Daiko, S. Honda, S. Bernard, and Y. Iwamoto,
“Hydrogen Transport Property of Polymer-Derived Cobalt Cation-Doped Amorphous Silica,”
Inorg. Chem. Front., 8, 90-99 (2020). |
18) |
S. Tada, S. Saito, A. Mori, H. Mizuno, S. Ando, T. Asaka, Y. Daiko, S. Honda, S. Bernard, and Y. Iwamoto,
“Reversible Redox Property of Co(III) in Amorphous Co-doped SiO2/γ-Al2O3 Layered Composites,”
Materials, 13, 5345 (2020). |
1) |
K. Fukuda, Y. Tsunoda, D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, and H. Yoshida,
“Flux Growth of Doped Lanthanum Silicate Oxyapatite Crystals with Hexagonal Tabular Morphology,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 127, 143-149 (2019). |
2) |
K. Fukuda, S. Hasegawa, E. Hasegawa, D. Urushihara, and T. Asaka,
"Grain-Oriented Polycrystalline Sodium Titanoaluminate Formed by Reactive Diffusion between Solid Al2TiO5 and Liquid [25 mol% Na2O and 75 mol% TiO2],”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 127, 150-157 (2019). |
3) |
D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, K. Fukuda, and H. Sakurai,
"Ordinary and Extraordinary Structural Phase Transitions in the
Perovskite-Related Layered Compound Sr3W2O9,"
Phys. Rev. B, 99, 094104 (2019). |
4) |
市川聡、坂野広樹、浅香透、福田功一郎(S. Ichikawa, H. Banno, T. Asaka, and K. Fukuda),
“X線粉末回折法によるイーリマイト(Ca4[Al6O12]SO4固溶体)の不規則構造解析(Analysis of Disordered Crystal Structure of Ye'elimite (Doped Ca4[Al6O12]SO4) from X-ray Powder Diffraction Data),”
セメント・コンクリート論文誌, 72, 2-9 (2019). |
5) |
Y. Hiramatsu, Y. Michiue, S. Funahashi, N. Hirosaki, H. Banno, D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, and K. Fukuda,
"Crystal Structure and Photoluminescence Properties of an Incommensurate Phase in EuO- and P2O5‐Doped Ca2SiO4,”
Inorg. Chem, 58, 6155-6160 (2019). |
6) |
鉱物・宝石の科学事典(第119章 セメント・コンクリート),(株)朝倉書店, (2019). |
7) |
M. Komabuchi, D. Urushihara, Y. Kimata, M. Okabe, T. Asaka, and K. Fukuda,
"Multiaxial Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy in the X-type Hexaferrite Sr2Co2Fe28O46 at Low Temperature,"
Phys. Rev. B, 100, 094406 (2019). |
8) |
C.Y. Liu, Z.W. Huang, D.H. Wang, X.X. Wang, L. Miao, X.Y. Wang, S.H. Wu, N. Toyama, T. Asaka, J.L. Chen, E. Nishibori, and L.D. Zhao,
“Dynamic Ag+-Intercalation with AgSnSe2 Nano-Precipitates in Cl-Doped Polycrystalline SnSe2 toward Ultra-High Thermoelectric Performance,”
J. Mater. Chem. A, 7, 9761-9772 (2019). |
9) |
K. Kimura, K. Yokochi, R. Kondo, D. Urushihara, Y. Yamamoto, A. K. R. Ang, N. Happo, K. Ohara, T. Matsushita, T. Asaka, M. Iwata, and K. Hayashi,
“Local Structural Analysis of Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3 Multiferroic Material Using X-ray Fluorescence Holography,”
Jpn. J. App. Phys., 58, 100601 (2019). |
1) |
G. Saitoh, H. Nakano, H. Banno, and K. Fukuda, “Syntheses and Luminescence Enhancement of Li1+x(Ta1-zNbz)1-xTixO3:RE3+(RE = Eu, Er, Tm or Dy) phosphors,”
Res. Rev. J. Mat. Sci., 6, 31–39 (2018). |
2) |
福田功一郎, “反応拡散法を用いた陽イオン伝導性結晶配向セラミックスの作製,”
耐火物, 70(5), 198–202(2018). |
3) |
K. Fujii, M. Yashima, K. Hibino, M. Shiraiwa K. Fukuda, S. Nakayama, N. Ishizawa, T. Hanashima, and T. Ohhara, “High Oxide-Ion Conductivity by the Overbonded Channel Oxygens in Si-Deficient La9.565(Si5.826□0.174)O26 Apatite without Interstitial Oxygens,”
J. Mater. Chem. A, 6, 10835 - 10846 (2018). |
4) |
N. Tanibata, Y. Kondo, S. Yamada, M. Maeda, H. Takeda, M. Nakayama, T. Asaka, A. Kitajou, and S. Okada, “Nanotube-Structured Na2V3O7 as a Cahode Materials for Sodium-Ion Batteries with High-Rate and Stable Cycle Performances,” Sci. Rep., 8, 17199 (2018). |
5) |
Y. Noda, T. Asaka, H. Fudouzi, and T. Hayakawa, “Accumulation and Interparticle Connections of tTriangular Ag-Coated Au Nanoprisms by Oil-Coating Method for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Applications,”
Appl. Surf. Sci., 435, 687-698 (2018). |
6) |
D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, K. Fukuda, and H.Sakurai,
“High-pressure Synthesis and Crystal Structure of the Strontium Tungstate Sr3W2O9,”
Acta Crystallogr. C, 74, 120-124 (2018). |
1) |
A. Pons, E. Béchade, J. Jouin, M. Colas, P.-M. Geffroy, O. Masson, P. Thomas, I. Kagomiya, T. Asaka, K. Fukuda, A. Slodczyk and P. Colomban, “Structural Modifications of Lanthanum Silicate Oxyapatite Exposed to High Water Pressure,”
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 37, 2149-2158 (2017) . |
2) |
H. Banno, S. Ichikawa, S. Takeda, T. Asaka, M. Colas, P. Thomas and K. Fukuda,
“Crystal Structures and Polymorphism of Sr4[Al6O12]SO4,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 125, 364-370 (2017). |
3) |
K. Fukuda, E. Hasegawa, R. Hasegawa, H. Banno, and T. Asaka, “One-Dimensional Ion-Conductive Grain-Aligned Polycrystalline Lithium Titanogallate Fabricated by Combined Techniques of Reactive Diffusion and Ion Exchange,”
Solid State Ionics, 304, 13–19 (2017). |
4) |
H. Banno, R. Kato, T. Asaka, A. Berghout, E. Béchade, O. Masson, J. Jouin, P. Thomas, and K. Fukuda, “Kinetics of Reactive Diffusion between Solid La2GeO5 and Gases [GeO + 1/2O2],”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 125, 524–527 (2017). |
5) |
O. Masson, A. Berghout, E. Béchade, J. Jouin, P. Thomas, T. Asaka and K. Fukuda,
“Local Structure and Oxide-Ion Conduction Mechanism in Apatite-Type Lanthanum Silicates,”
Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater., 18, 644-653 (2017). |
6) |
H. Nakano, K. Kamimoto, N. Yokoyama and K. Fukuda,
"Effect of Heat Treatment on Emission Color of P Doped Ca2SiO4 Phosphor,"
Materials, 10, 1000 (2017). |
7) |
D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, K. Fukuda, H. Sakurai, “Discovery of the High-Pressure Phase of Ba3W2O9 and Determination of Its Crystal Structure,”
Inor. Chem.,56(21),13007-13013 (2017). |
8) |
Y. Peng, L. Miao, C. Li, R. Huang, D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, O. Nakatsuka, and S. Tanemura, “Improved Thermoelectric Property of B-Doped Si/Ge Multilayered Quantum Dot Films Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering,”
Jpn J. Appl. Phys., 57, 01AF03 (2017). |
9) |
J. Gao, L. Miao, C. Liu, X. Wang, Y. Peng, X. Wei, J. Zhou, R. Hashimoto, T. Asaka, and K. Koumoto, “A Novel Glass-Fiber-Aided Cold-Press Method for Fabrication of N-Type Ag2Te Nanowires Thermoelectric Film on Flexible Copy-Paper Substrate,” J. Mater. Chem. A, 5, 24740 (2017). |
10) |
X. Yu, S. Terakawa, S. Hayashi, T. Asaka, F. Itoigawa, S. Ono, and J. Takayanagi,
“Carbonization of Silicon Nanoparticles via Ablation Induced by Femtosecond Laser Pulses in Hexane,”
Arab. J. Sci. Eng., 42, 4221-4226 (2017). |
11) |
C. Takahashi, N. Matsubara, Y. Akachi, N. Ogawa, G. Kalita, T. Asaka, M. Tanemura, Y. Kawashima, and H. Yamamoto,
“Visualization of Silver-Decorated Poly (DL-Lactide-Co-Glycolide) Nanoparticles and their Efficacy Against Staphylococcus Epidermidis,”
Mater. Sci. Eng. C, 72, 143-149 (2017). |
12) |
C. Takahashi, Y. Akachi, N. Ogawa, K. Moriguchi, T. Asaka, M. Tanemura, Y. Kawashima, and H. Yamamoto,
“Morphological Study of Efficacy of Clarithromycin-Loaded Nanocarriers for Treatment of Biofilm Infection Disease,”
Med. Mol. Morphol., 50, 9-16 (2017). |
1) |
S. Furuya, H. Nakano, N. Yokoyama, H. Banno and K. Fukuda,
“Enhancement of Photoluminescence Intensity and Structural Change by Doping of P5+ ion for Ca2-x/2(Si1-xPx)O4:Eu2+ Green Phosphor,”
J. Alloys Compd., 658, 147–151 (2016). |
2) |
K. Fukuda, R. Hasegawa, T. Kitagawa, H. Nakamori, T. Asaka, A. Berghout, E. Béchade, O. Masson, J. Jouin and P. Thomas,
“Well-Aligned Polycrystalline Lanthanum Silicate Oxyapatite Grown by Reactive Diffusion between Solid La2SiO5 and Gases [SiO + 1/2O2],”
J. Solid State Chem., 235, 1-6 (2016). |
3) |
K. Fukuda, M. Okabe and T. Asaka,
“Microtexture of c-Axis-Oriented Polycrystalline Lanthanum Silicate Oxyapatite Formed by Reactive Diffusion,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 99, 2816–2822 (2016). |
4) |
K. Fukuda, R. Watanabe, M. Oyabu, R. Hasegawa, T. Asaka and H. Yoshida, “Oxide-Ion Conductivity Enhancement of Polycrystalline Lanthanum Silicate Oxyapatite Induced by BaO Doping and Grain Alignment,”
Cryst. Growth Des., 16(8), 4519-4525 (2016). |
5) |
Y. Suzuki, H. Banno, T. Asaka and K. Fukuda, ”Disordered Crystal Structure of 16H-SiAlON, Si3−xAl5+xOxN9−x (x ~ 2.6),”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 124, 875-880 (2016). |
6) |
H. Nakano, N. Yokoyama, H. Banno and K. Fukuda,
"Enhancement of PL Intensity and Formation of Core-Shell Structure in Annealed Ca2-x/2(Si1-xPx)O4:Eu2+ Phosphor,"
Mater. Res. Bull., 83, 502-506 (2016). |
7) |
D. Urushihara, M.Komabuchi, N. Ishizawa, M. Iwata, K. Fukuda and T. Asaka,
"Direct Observation of the Ferroelectric Polarization in the Layered Perovskite Bi4Ti3O12,"
J. Appl. Phys., 120, 142117(2016). |
8) |
C. Murayama, M. Okabe, D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, K. Fukuda, M. Isobe, K. Yamamoto and Y. Matsushita,
"Crystallographic Features Related to a Van Der Waals Coupling in the Layered Chalcogenide FePS3,"
J. Appl. Phys., 120, 142114(2016). |
9) |
工業材料, 64(12), 65-69(2016). |
10) |
S. Muramatsu, M. Yanagihara, T. Asaka, S. Ono, T. Nagami, K. Fukuda,T. Suyama, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, and A. Yoshikawa,
"Size Control and Vacuum-Ultraviolet Fluorescence of Nanosized KMgF3 Single Crystals Prepared Using Femtosecond Laser Pulses,"
Sci. Technol. Adv. Mat., 17, 685-690 (2016). |
1) |
H. Nakano, S. Suehiro, S. Furuya and K. Fukuda,
“Microstructural Comparison between Nb- and Ta-systems in
Li1+x-yM1-x-3yTix+4yO3 (M = Nb5+, Ta5+) Solid Solution with Superstructure,”
J. Alloys Compd., 618, 504-507 (2015). |
2) |
T.-H. Kao, H. Sakurai, T. Kolodiazhnyi, Y. Suzuki, M. Okabe, T. Asaka, K. Fukuda, S. Okubo, S. Ikeda, S. Hara, T. Sakurai, H. Ohtade and H.-D. Yang, “Crystal Structure and Physical Properties of Cr and Mn Oxides with 3d3 Electronic Configuration and A K2NiF4-Type Structure,”
J. Mater. Chem. C, 3, 3452-3459 (2015). |
3) |
R. Hasegawa, M. Okabe, T. Asaka, N. Ishizawa and K. Fukuda, “Structure and Ionic Conductivity of Well-Aligned Polycrystalline Sodium Titanogallate Grown by Reactive Diffusion,”
J. Solid State Chem., 229, 252-259 (2015). |
4) |
K. Fukuda, “Exploration of Novel Inorganic Compounds using Diffractometry and Microscopy toward Innovative Functions,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 123, 623-629 (2015). |
5) |
K. Fukuda, T. Asaka, S. Hara, A. Berghout, E. Béchade, O. Masson, J. Jouin and P. Thomas,
“Crystal Structure and Oxide-Ion Conductivity of Highly Grain-Aligned Polycrystalline Lanthanum Germanate Oxyapatite Grown by Reactive Diffusion between Solid La2GeO5 and Gases [GeO + 1/2O2],”
Cryst. Growth Des., 15, 3435-3441 (2015). |
6) |
福田功一郎, “鉱物の相変化で形成される微細組織,”
耐火物,67[9], 451-456 (2015). |
7) |
H. Banno, S. Funahashi, T. Asaka, N. Hirosaki and K. Fukuda,
“Disordered Crystal Structure of 20H-AlON, Al10O3N8,”
J. Solid State Chem., 230, 149-154 (2015). |
8) |
H. Ichioka, S. Furuya, T. Asaka, H. Nakano and K. Fukuda,
“Crystal Structures and Enhancement of Photoluminescence Intensities by Effective Doping for Lithium Tantalate Phosphors,”
Powder Diffr., 30, 326–332 (2015). |
9) |
R. Chen, L. Miao, C. Liu, J .Zhou, H. Cheng, T. Asaka, Y. Iwamoto and S .Tanemura,
"Shape-Controlled Synthesis and Influence of W Doping and Oxygen Nonstoichiometry on the Phase Transition of VO2"
Scientic Reports, 5, 14087 (2015). |
10) |
S. Sakaida, Y. Shimokawa, T. Asaka, S. Honda and Y. Iwamoto,
"Synthesis and Characterization of Eu3+-Doped CaZrO3-Based Perovskite-Type Phosphors. Part I: Determination of the Eu3+ Occupied Site Using the ALCHEMI Technique"
Mater. Res. Bull., 67, 146-151(2015). |
1) |
日本結晶学会誌,56, 43-48 (2014) . |
2) |
H. Banno, T. Hanai, T. Asaka, K. Kimoto and K. Fukuda,
“Electron Density Distribution and Disordered Crystal Structure of 15R-SiAlON, SiAl4O2N4,”
J. Solid State Chem., 211, 124-129 (2014). |
3) |
H. Banno, T. Asaka and K. Fukuda,
“Electron Density Distribution and Crystal Structure of 27R-SiAlON, Si3-xAl6+xOxN10-x (x ~ 1.9),”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 122, 281-287 (2014). |
4) |
H. Banno, T. Asaka and K. Fukuda,
“Electron Density Distribution and Disordered Crystal Structure of 8H-SiAlON, Si3-xAl1+xOxN5-x (x ~ 2.2),”
J. Solid State Chem., 213, 169-175 (2014). |
5) |
H. Banno, T. Hanai, T. Asaka, K. Kimoto, H. Nakano and K. Fukuda,
“Electron Density Distribution and Disordered Crystal Structure of 12H-SiAlON, SiAl5O2N5,”
Powder Diffr., 29, 318-324 (2014). |
6) |
D. Kurokawa, S. Takeda, M. Colas, T. Asaka, P. Thomas and K. Fukuda,
“Phase Transformation of Ca4[Al6O12]SO4 and Its Disordered Crystal Structure at 1073 K,”
J. Solid State Chem., 215, 265-270 (2014). |
7) |
D. Kurokawa, H. Yoshida and K. Fukuda,
“Crystalization of Belite-Melilite Clinker Minerals in the Presence of Liquid Phase,”
Cem. Concr. Res., 60, 63-67 (2014). |
8) |
H. Nakano, S. Furuya, K. Fukuda and S. Yamada,
“Synthesis and Luminescence Enhancement of Eu3+, Sm3+ Co-Doped Li1.11Ta0.89Ti0.11O3 Phosphor,”
Mater. Res. Bull., 60, 766-770 (2014). |
9) |
A. Pons, J. Jouin, E. Béchade, I. Julien, O. Masson, P.-M. Geffroy, R. Mayet, P. Thomas, K. Fukuda and I. Kagomiya,
“Study of the Formation of the Apatite-Type Phases La9.33+X(SiO4)6O2+3x/2 Synthesized from a Lanthanum Oxycarbonate La2O2CO3,”
Solid State Sci., 38, 150-155 (2014). |
10) |
N. Ishizawa, T. Asaka, T. Kudo, K. Fukuda, A. Yasuhara, N. Abe and T. Arima, “Structural Evolution of GdBaCo2O5+δ (δ= 7/18) at Elevated Temperatures,”
Chem. Mater., 26, 6503–6517 (2014). |
11) |
中野裕美, 福田功一郎
ケミカル・エンジニヤリング, 59, 20-24 (2014). |
12) |
R. Chen, L. Miao, H. Cheng, E. Nishibori, C. Liu, T. Asaka, Y. Iwamoto, M. Takata and S. Tanemura,
"One-step Hydrothermal Synthesis of V1-xWxO2 (M/R) Nanorods with Superior Doping Efficiency and Thermochromic Properties".
J. Mater. Chem., 3, 3726-3738 (2014). |
13) |
L. Zhao, L. Miao, C. Liu, C. Li, T. Asaka, Y. Kang, Y. Iwamoto, S. Tanemura, H. Gu and H. Su,
"Solution-Processed VO2-SiO2 Composite Films with Simultaneously Enhanced Luminous Transmittance, Solar Modulation Ability and Anti-Oxidation Property".
Scientic Reports, 4, 7000 (2014). |
14) |
M. Okabe, T. Asaka, K. Fukuda, S. Hirose, K. Haruki, K. Okumura and T. Kimura,
"Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscopy Study on a Magnetoelectric Z-type Hexaferrite".
AMTC Letters, 4, 186-187 (2014). |
1) |
N. Ishizawa, T. Asaka, T. Kudo, K. Fukuda, N. Abe and T. Arima,
“Incommensurate Structure of GdBaCo2O5+δ (δ ~ 0.38),”
J. Solid State Chem., 198, 532-541 (2013). |
2) |
T. Uchida, S. Suehiro, T. Asaka, H. Nakano and K. Fukuda,
“Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Li(Ta0.89Ti0.11)O2.945 and (Li0.977Eu0.023)(Ta0.89Ti0.11)O2.968,”
Powder Diffr., 28(03), 178-183 (2013). |
3) |
T. Asaka, R. Kotani, T. Kudo, H. Yoshida and K. Fukuda,
“Synthesis and Disordered Crystal Structure of Al3O3.5C0.5,”
Inorg. Chem., 52(5), 2648–2653 (2013). |
4) |
T. Asaka, N. Abe, T. Kudo, K. Fukuda, K. Kimoto, Y. Matsui, N. Ishizawa and T. Arima,
“Structural Phase Transition and Magnetic-Field Effect on the Modulated Structure in GdBaCo2O5+δ (δ < 0.5),”
Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 125502 (2013). |
5) |
T. Asaka, T. Kudo, H. Banno, S. Funahashi, N. Hirosaki and K. Fukuda,
“Electron Density Distribution and Crystal Structure of 21R-AlON, Al7O3N5,”
Powder Diffr., 28(03), 171-177 (2013). |
6) |
K. Fukuda, T. Asaka, S. Hara, M. Oyabu, A. Berghout, E. Béchade, O. Masson, I. Julien and P. Thomas,
“Crystal Structure and Oxide-Ion Conductivity along c-Axis of Si-Deficient Apatite-Type Lanthanum Silicate,”
Chem. Mater., 25(10), 2154-2162 (2013). |
7) |
T. Asaka, H. Banno S. Funahashi, N. Hirosaki and K. Fukuda,
“Electron Density Distribution and Crystal Structure of 27R-AlON, Al9O3N7,”
J. Solid State Chem., 204, 21-26 (2013). |
8) |
D. Kurokawa, K. Honma, H. Hirao and K. Fukuda, “Quality Design of Belite–Melilite Clinker,”
Cem. Concr. Res., 54, 126-132 (2013). |
9) |
N. Ishizawa, T. Asaka, T. Kudo, K. Fukuda, N. Abe and T. Arima,
“Pseudo-Commensurate GdBaCo2O5+δ and Its Phase Transition at Elevated Temperatures,”
in Aperiodic Crystals (S. Schmid, R. L. Withers and R. Lifshitz Eds.), Chap.21, 157-162 (2013). |
10) |
Y. Horibe, S. Mori, T. Asaka, Y. Matsui, P. A. Sharma, T. Y. Koo, S. Guha, C. H. Chen and S.-W. Cheong,
"Preformed Nanoscale Ferromagnetism in Manganites".
EPL, 100, 67007-p1-67007-p5 (2013) |
1) |
K. Fukuda, T. Asaka, M. Okino, A. Berghout, E. Béchade, O. Masson, I. Julien and P. Thomas,
“Anisotropy of Oxide-Ion Conduction in Apatite-Type Lanthanum Silicate,”
Solid State Ionics, 217, 40-45 (2012). |
2) |
K. Fukuda, T. Asaka and T. Uchida,
“Thermal Expansion of Lanthanum Silicate Oxyapatite (La9.33+2x(SiO4)6O2+3x), Lanthanum Oxyorthosilicate (La2SiO5) and Lanthanum Sorosilicate (La2Si2O7),”
J. Solid State Chem., 194, 157–161(2012). |
3) |
K. Fukuda, T. Asaka, N. Ishizawa, H. Mino, D. Urushihara, A. Berghout, E. Béchade, O. Masson, I. Julien and P. Thomas,
“Combined Effect of Germanium Doping and Grain Alignment on Oxide-Ion Conductivity of Apatite-Type Lanthanum Silicate Polycrystal,”
Chem. Mater., 24, 2611-2618 (2012). |
4) |
T. Asaka, M. Nagao, T. Yokosawa, K. Kokui, E. Takayama-Muromachi, K. Kimoto, K. Fukuda and Y. Matsui,
“Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy Behavior in the Multiferroic BiMnO3 Examined by Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscopy,”
Applied Physics Letters, 101, 052407 (2012). |
5) |
K. Fukuda, T. Asaka, M. Oyabu, , D. Urushihara, A. Berghout, E. Béchade, O. Masson, I. Julien and P. Thomas,
“Crystal Structure and Oxide-Ion Conductivity along c-Axis of Apatite-Type Lanthanum Silicate with Excess Oxide Ions,”
Chem. Mater., 24, 4623-4631 (2012). |
6) |
T. Nagai, M. Nagao, K. Kurashima, T. Asaka, W. Zhang and K. Kimoto,
"Formation of Nanoscale Magnetic Bubbles in Ferromagnetic Insulating Manganite La7/8Sr1/8MnO3".
Appl. Phys. Lett., 101, 162401 (2012). |
7) |
K. Yamamoto, Y. Iriyama, T. Asaka, T. Hirayama, H. Fujita, K. Nonaka, K. Miyahara, Y. Sugita and Z. Ogumi,
"Direct Observation of Lithium-ion Movement Around an In-Situ-Formed-Negative-Electrode/Solid-State-Electrolyte Interface During Initial Charge–Discharge Reaction".
Electrochem. Commun., 20, 113-116 (2012). |
1) |
M. Kaga, H. Kurachi, T. Asaka, B. Yue, J. Ye and K. Fukuda,
“Crystal Structure of Layered Perovskite Compound, Li2LaTa2O6N,”
Powder Diffr., 26, 4-8 (2011). |
2) |
“セメントクリンカー鉱物の結晶化学と間隙液相の結晶分化作用 ”
日本結晶学会誌, 53, 81-85 (2011) . |
3) |
H. Nakano, K. Fukuda, M. Kobayashi and N. Kamegashira,
“Crystal Structure and Phase Transition of (Sr0.67Ln0.33)(Mn0.33Ti0.67)O3 (Ln: Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd),”
; in Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Ceramic Society
- ECerS XII, Stockholm, Sweden, 1-4 (2011). |
4) |
D. Urushihara, M. Kaga, T. Asaka, H. Nakano and K. Fukuda,
“Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Al7C3N3-Homeotypic Aluminum Silicon Oxycarbonitride,
(Al7-xSix)(OyCzN 6-y-z) (x ~ 1.2, y ~ 1.0 and z ~ 3.5),”
J. Solid State Chem., 184, 2278-2284 (2011). |
5) |
D. Urushihara, T. Asaka, T. Takeda, N. Hirosaki and K. Fukuda,
“Electron Density Distribution and Crystal Structure of Ca1-x/2AlSi(N3-xOx):Eu2+ (x ~ 0.11),”
Powder Diffraction Suppl., 26 (S38), (2011). |
6) |
K. Fukuda, T. Asaka, R. Hamaguchi, T. Suzuki, H. Oka, A. Berghout, E. Béchade, O. Masson, I. Julien,
E. Champion and P. Thomas,
“Oxide-Ion Conductivity of Highly c-Axis-Oriented Apatite-Type Lanthanum Silicate Polycrystal Formed by Reactive Diffusion between La2SiO5 and La2Si2O7,”
Chem. Mater., 23, 5474-5483 (2011). |
7) |
T. Asaka, X.Z. Yu, Y. Hiraoka, K. Kimoto, T. Hirayama, T. Kimura and Y. Matsui,
“Lattice Modulation Induced by Magnetic Order in the Magnetoelectric Helimagnet Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe12O22,”
Phys. Rev. B, 83, 130401(R) (2011). |
8) |
T. Asaka, S. Mori, Y. Horibe, K. Takenaka, X.Z. Yu, T. Nagai, K. Kimoto T. Hirayama and Y. Matsui,
“Multiple-Charge Modulations in the Ferromagnetic Insulating State of Lightly Doped La1-xSrxMnO3,”
Phys. Rev. B, 83, 174401 (2011). |
9) |
K. Okumura, T. Ishikura, M. Soda, T. Asaka, H. Nakamura, Y. Wakabayashi and T. Kimura,
“Magnetism and Magnetoelectricity of a U-type Hexaferrite Sr2Co2Fe36O60,”
Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 212504 (2011). |
10) |
N. V. Long, T. D. Hien, T. Asaka, M. Ohtaki and M. Nogami,
“Synthesis and Characterization of Pt-Pd Nanoparticles with Core-Shell Morphology: Nucleation and Overgrowth of the Pd Shells on the As-Prepared and Defined Pt Seeds,”
J. Alloy. Compd, 509, 7702-7709 (2011). |
11) |
N. V. Long, T. D. Hien, T. Asaka, M. Ohtaki and M. Nogami,
“Synthesis and Characterization of PtePd Alloy and Core-Shell Bimetallic Nanoparticles for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFCs): Enhanced Electrocatalytic Properties of Well-Shaped Core-Shell Morphologies and Nanostructures,”
Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, 36, 8478-8491 (2011). |
12) |
D. Ghosh, P. Ghosh, M. Tanemura, A. Hayashi, Y. Hayashi, S. Kawasaki, N. Miura, M.Z. Yusop and T. Asaka,
“Highly Transparent and Flexible Field Emission Devices Based on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films,”
Chem. Commun., 47, 4980-4982 (2011). |
13) |
N. V. Long, T. Asaka, T. Matsubara and M. Nogami,
“Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Pt-Pd Core-Shell Nanoparticles Exhibiting Polyhedral Morphologies by Modified Polyol Method,”
Acta Mater., 59, 2901-2907 (2011). |
14) |
K. H. Kim, Y. Iriyama, K. Yamamoto, S. Kumazaki, T. Asaka, K. Tanabe, C. A. J. Fisher, T. Hirayama, R. Murugan and Z. Ogumi,
"Characterization of the Interface Between LiCoO2 and Li7La3Zr2O12 in an All-Solid-State Rechargeable Lithium Battery".
J. Power Sources, 196, 764-767 (2011). |
1) |
K. Fukuda, T. Iwata and H. Yoshida,
“Melt Differentiation and Crystallization of Clinker Minerals in a CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3 Pseudoquaternary System,”
Cem. Concr. Res., 40, 167-170 (2010). |
2) |
K. Fukuda and D. Kurokawa,
“Morphology of α'H-Ca2SiO4 Solid Solution Crystals,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 93, 353-355 (2010). |
3) |
H. Kurachi, T. Iwata, S. Ouyang, J. Ye and K. Fukuda,
“Crystal Structure of Silver Metagermanate, Ag2GeO3,”
Powder Diffr., 25, 15-18, (2010). |
4) |
Y. Hirano, T. Iwata, K. Momma and K. Fukuda,
“Electron Density Distribution and Crystal Structure of Lithium Strontium Silicate, Li2SrSiO4,”
Powder Diffr., 25, 4-8, (2010). |
5) |
M. Kaga, T. Iwata, H. Nakano and K. Fukuda,
“Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Al4SiC4-Homeotypic Aluminum Silicon Oxycarbide,
J. Solid State Chem., 183, 636-642 (2010). |
6) |
N. Ishizawa, M. Kamoshita,K. Fukuda, K. Shioi and N. Hirosaki,
“Sr3(Al3+xSi13-x)(N21-xO2+x):Eu2+ (x ~ 0): A New Monoclinic Modification of Sr-Sialon,”
Acta Crystallogr. Sec. E, E66, i14 (2010). |
7) |
T. Kinoshita, T. Iwata, E. Béchade, O. Masson, I. Julien, E. Champion, P. Thomas, H. Yoshida, N. Ishizawa and K. Fukuda,
“Effect of Mg Substitution on Crystal Structure and Oxide-Ion Conductivity of Apatite-Type Lanthanum Silicates,”
Solid State Ionics, 181, 1024-1032 (2010). |
8) |
M. Kaga, D. Urushihara, T. Iwata, K. Sugiura, H. Nakano and K. Fukuda,
“Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Al4Si2C5-Homeotypic Aluminum Silicon Oxycarbide,
(Al6-xSix)(OyC5-y) (x ~ 0.8 and y ~ 1.6) ,”
J. Solid State Chem., 183, 2183-2189 (2010). |
9) |
“アルミネート相類縁化合物Ca7ZrAl6O18の不規則構造と水和反応性 ,”
セメント・コンクリート, No.766, 46-51 (2010). |
10) |
T. Kudo, Y. Hirano, K. Momma and K. Fukuda,
“Electron Density Distribution and Crystal Structure of Lithium Barium Silicate, Li2BaSiO4,”
Powder Diffr., 25, 336-341 (2010). |
11) |
H. Inuzuka, M. Kaga, D. Urushihara, H. Nakano, T. Asaka and K. Fukuda,
“Synthesis and Structural Characterization of A New Aluminum Oxycarbonitride, Al5(O,C,N)4,”
J. Solid State Chem., 183, 2570-2575 (2010). |
12) |
J.Q. He, V. V. Volkov, T. Asaka, S. Chaudhuri, R.C. Budhani and Y. Zhu,
“Competing two-phase coexistence in doped manganites: Direct observations by in situ Lorentz electron microscopy,”
Physical Review, B 82, 224404 (2010). |
13) |
K. Kimoto, T. Asaka, X.Z. Yu, T. Nagai, Y. Matsui and K. Ishizuka,
“Local crystal structure analysis with several-picometer precision using scanning transmission electron microscopy,”
Ultramicroscopy, 110, 778-782 (2010). |
14) |
J.Q. He, V. V. Volkov, M. Beleggia, T. Asaka, J. Tao, M. A. Schofield and Y. Zhu,
“Ferromagnetic domain structures and spin configurations measured in doped manganite,”
Physical Review, B 81, 094427 (2010). |
15) |
T. Nagai, T. Kimura, T. Asaka, K. Kimoto, M. Takeguchi and Y. Matsui,
“Self-organized structures of orbital-ordered domains in Nd1-xSr1+xMnO4,”
Physical Review, B 81, 060407 (2010). |
16) |
K. Yamamoto, Y. Iriyama, T. Asaka, T. Hirayama, H. Fujita, C. A. J. Fisher, K. Nonaka, Y. Sugita and Z. Ogumi,
"Dynamic Visualization of the Electric Potential in an All-Solid-State Rechargeable Lithium Battery".
Angew. Chem. Int. Edit., 49, 4414-4417 (2010). |
1) |
T. Iwata, E. Hattori, K. Sugiura, S. Hashimoto, H. Nakano and K. Fukuda,
“Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Si-Bearing layered carbides ZrAl8C7 and ZrAl4C4,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 117, 37-41 (2009). |
2) |
K. Sugiura, T. Iwata, N. Sunada, S. Hashimoto, H. Nakano and K. Fukuda,
“Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Ge-Bearing Zr2Al4C5 and Zr3Al4C6,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 117, 22-26 (2009). |
3) |
T. Iwata, T. Horie and K. Fukuda,
“Reinvestigation of crystal structure and structural disorder of Ba3MgSi2O8,”
Powder Diffr., 24, 180-184 (2009). |
4) |
G. Kawamura, Y. Yang, K. Fukuda and M. Nogami,
“Shape Control Synthesis of Multi-Branched Gold Nanoparticles,”
Mater. Chem. Phys., 115, 229-234 (2009). |
5) |
K. Sugiura, T. Iwata, H. Nakano and K. Fukuda,
“[Zr0.72Y0.28]Al4C4: A New Member of the Homologous Series (MC)l(T4C3)m
(M=Zr, Y and Hf, T=Al, Si and Ge),”
J. Solid State Chem., 182, 1619-1623 (2009). |
6) |
T. Iwata, M. Kaga, H. Nakano and K. Fukuda,
“First Discovery and Structural Characterization of a New Compound in Al-Si-O-C System,”
J. Solid State Chem., 182, 2252-2260 (2009). |
7) |
E. Béchade, O. Masson, T. Iwata, I. Julien, K. Fukuda, P. Thomas and E. Champion,
“Diffusion Path and Conduction Mechanism of Oxide Ions in Apatite-Type Lanthanum Silicates,”
Chem. Mater., 21, 2508-2517 (2009). |
8) |
第13章 実例で学ぶ粉末X線解析,(株)朝倉書店(2009). |
9) |
X.Z. Yu, T. Arima, S. Seki, T. Asaka, K. Kimoto, Y. Tokura and Y. Matsui,
"Effect of quenched disorder on charge ordering structure in RE1.67AE0.33NiO4 (RE = La, Pr, Nd, Sm; AE = Ca, Sr)",
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 77, 093709 (2009). |
10) |
X.Z. Yu, Run-Wei Li, T. Asaka, K.. Ishizuka, K. Kimoto and Y. Matsui,
"Possible Origins of the Magnetoresistance Gain in Colossal Magnetoresistive Oxide La0.69Ca0.31MnO3: Structure Fluctuation and Pinning Effect on Magnetic Domain Walls",
Appl. Phys. Lett., 95, 092504 (2009). |
1) |
S. Hashimoto, M. Takeuchi, K. Inoue, S. Honda, H. Awaji, K. Fukuda and S. Zhang,
“Pressureless Sintering and Mechanical Properties of Titanium Aluminum Carbide,”
Mater. Lett., 62, 1480-1483 (2008). |
2) |
T. Iwata, M. Haniuda and K. Fukuda,
“Crystal Structure of Ca12Al14O32Cl2 and Luminescence Properties of Ca12Al14O32Cl2:Eu2+,”
J. Solid State Chem., 181, 51-55 (2008). |
3) |
K. Fukuda, M. Hisamura, T. Iwata, S. Hashimoto and H. Nakano,
“Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a New Layered Carbide [Zr1.97Y0.03]Al4C5,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 91, 1342-1345 (2008). |
4) |
M. Yashima, K. Fukuda, Y. Tabira and M. Hisamura,
“Electronic and Crystal Structures of Nanolaminate Yttrium Aluminum Carbide YAl3C3,”
Chem. Phys. Lett., 451, 48-52 (2008). |
5) |
S. Hashimoto, H. Takeda, A.Okuda, A.Kanbayashi, S. Honda, Y. Iwamoto and K. Fukuda,
“Detoxification of Industrial Asbestos Waste by Low-Temperature Heating in a Vacuum,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 116, 242-246 (2008). |
6) |
T. Iwata, E. Hattori, S. Hashimoto and K. Fukuda,
“Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a New Layered Carbide ZrAl4C4,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 91, 2713-2715 (2008). |
7) |
K. Sugiura, T. Iwata, H. Yoshida, S. Hashimoto and K. Fukuda,
“Syntheses, crystal structures and Si solubilities of new layered carbides Zr2Al4C5 and Zr3Al4C6,”
J. Solid State Chem., 181, 2864-2868 (2008). |
8) |
T. Iwata, K. Sugiura, S. Hashimoto and K. Fukuda,
“Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a New Layered Carbide ZrAl8C7,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 91, 3758-3761 (2008) |
9) |
E. Béchade, I. Julien, T. Iwata, O. Masson, P. Thomas, E. Champion and K. Fukuda,
“Synthesis of Lanthanum Silicate Oxyapatite Materials as Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrolyte,”
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 28, 2717-2724 (2008). |
10) |
セラミックス, 43, 929-932 (2008). |
11) |
T. Iwata, E. Béchade, K. Fukuda, O. Masson, I. Julien, E. Champion and P. Thomas,
“Lanthanum and Oxygen Deficient Crystal Structures of Oxide-Ion Conducting Apatite-Type Silicates,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 91, 3714-3720 (2008). |
12) |
K. Fukuda, T. Iwata and H. Yoshida
“Melt Differentiation Induced by Crystallization of Cement Clinker Minerals in a CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3 Pseudoquaternary System,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 91, 4093-4100 (2008). |
1) |
K. Fukuda, H. Hasegawa, T. Iwata, S. Hashimoto and K, Inoue,
“Structural Disorder and Intracrystalline Microtexture of α’H-(Ba0.24Ca0.76)2SiO4,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 90, 925-931 (2007). |
2) |
S. Hashimoto, H. Takeda, A. Okuda, A. Kambayashi, S. Honda, H. Awaji and K. Fukuda,
“Detoxification of Asbestos-Containing Building Material Waste and Its Application to Cement Product (in Japanese),”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 115, 290-293 (2007). |
3) |
K. Fukuda, M. Hisamura, T. Iwata, N. Tera and K. Sato,
“Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of a New Carbide Zr2[Al3.56Si0.44]C5,”
J. Solid State Chem., 180, 1809-1815 (2007). |
4) |
K. Fukuda and M. Hisamura,
“Crystal Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of YAl3C3,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 90, 3299-3302 (2007). |
5) |
K. Fukuda, M. Ito and T. Iwata,
“Crystal Structure and Structural Disorder of (Ba0.65Ca0.35)2SiO4,”
J. Solid State Chem., 180, 2305-2309 (2007). |
6) |
K. Fukuda, T. Iwata and K. Nishiyuki,
“Crystal Structure, Structural Disorder and Hydration Behavior of Calcium Zirconium Aluminate, Ca7ZrAl6O18,”
Chem. Mater., 19, 3726-3731 (2007) . |
7) |
K. Fukuda, M. Hisamura, Y. Kawamoto and T. Iwata,
“Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of a New Layered Carbide (ZrC)3[Al3.56Si0.44]C3,”
J. Mater. Res., 22, 2888-2894 (2007). |
8) |
H. Takeda, S. Hashimoto, A. Okuda, S. Honda, H. Awaji and K. Fukuda,
“Detoxification of Sprayed Amosite (in Japanese),”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 115, 562-566 (2007). |
9) |
T. Iwata, K. Fukuda, E. Béchade, O. Masson, I. Julien, E. Champion and P. Thomas,
“Structural Change of Oxide-Ion-Conducting Lanthanum Oxyapatite on Heating from 295 to 1073 K,”
Solid State Ionics, 178, 1523-1529 (2007). |
1) |
K. Fukuda, H. Hasegawa, T. Iwata and S. Hashimoto,
“Crystal Structure of Calcium Cobalt Orthophosphate, CaCo[Ca0.1Co0.9](PO4)2,”
Powder Diffr., 21, 220-224 (2006). |
2) |
K. Fukuda, T. Iwata and T. Niwa,
“Crystal Structure and Phase Transformations of Calcium Yttrium Orthophosphate, Ca3Y(PO4)3,”
J. Solid State Chem., 179, 3420-3428 (2006). |
3) |
K. Inoue, K. Fukuda, S. Hashimoto, T. Hayakawa, S. Honda and Y. Torii,
“Fabrication and Cathodeluminescence of Partially MgO-Substituted ZnO Powders,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 114, 620-623 (2006). |
4) |
S. Hashimoto, A. Okuda, A. Kanbayashi, S. Honda, H. Awaji and K. Fukuda,
“Evaluation of Heated Chrysotile Using Phase-Contrast Microscope (in Japanese),”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 114, 716-718 (2006). |
5) |
K. Fukuda, T. Iwata A. Moriyama and S. Hashimoto,
“Crystal Structures and Phase Transitions of SrZr(PO4)2-BaZr(PO4)2 Solid Solutions,”
J. Solid State Chem., 179, 3870-3876 (2006). |
6) |
K. Fukuda, T. Iwata and E. Champion,
“Crystal Structure of Lanthanum Oxyorthosilicate, La2SiO5,”
Powder Diffr., 21, 300-303 (2006). |
7) |
S. Hashimoto, A. Okuda, A. Kanbayashi, S. Honda, H. Awaji and K. Fukuda,
“Detoxification of Sprayed Crocidolite (in Japanese),”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 114, 1150-1154 (2006). |
8) |
K. Fukuda, K. Fukushima and T. Iwata,
“Structural Chemistry of Alkaline Earth Aluminate Phosphors,”
Adv. Mater. Res., 11-12, 43-46 (2006). |
9) |
S. Hashimoto, S. Honda, H. Awaji and K. Fukuda,
“Detoxification of Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Cement Board,”
Adv. Mater. Res., 11-12, 85-88 (2006). |
1) |
K. Fukuda, K. Matsunaga, T. Bessho and H. Yoshida,
“Melt Differentiation Induced by Zonal Structure Formation of Calcium Aluminoferrite in CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3 Pseudoquaternary System,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 88, 954-962 (2005). |
2) |
K. Fukuda, A. Moriyama and T. Iwata,
“Crystal Structure, Phase Transition and Anisotropic Thermal Expansion of Barium Zirconium Diorthophosphate, BaZr(PO4)2,”
J. Solid State Chem., 178, 2144-2151 (2005). |
3) |
K. Fukuda and K. Fukushima,
“Crystal Structure of Hexagonal SrAl2O4 at 1073 K,”
J. Solid State Chem., 178, 2709-2714 (2005). |
4) |
K. Fukuda and H. Matsubara,
“Thermal Expansion of SrY2O4,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 88, 3205-3206 (2005). |
5) |
K. Fukuda, S. Mori and S. Hashimoto,
“Crystal Structure of Zr2Al3C4,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 88, 3528-3530 (2005). |
6) |
K. Fukuda, T. Iwata and T. Orito,
“Structural Disorder in Ba0.6Sr0.4Al2O4,”
J. Solid State Chem., 178, 3662-3666 (2005). |
7) |
S. Hashimoto, F. Sato, S. Honda, H. Awaji and K. Fukuda,
“Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of Sintered Leucite Body,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 113, 488-490 (2005). |
8) |
S. Hashimoto, A. Yamaguchi, K. Fukuda and S. Zhang,
“Low-temperature Synthesis of Leucite Crystals Using Kaolin,”
Mater. Res. Bull., 40, 1577-1583 (2005). |
9) |
S. Hashimoto, A. Yamaguchi, S. Honda, H. Awaji and K. Fukuda,
“Comminution of Asbestos by a Mechanical Grinding in Asbestos-Containing Cement Board (in Japanese),”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 113, 804-807 (2005). |
1) |
K. Fukuda and H. Matsubara,
“Thermal Expansion of δ-Yttrium Disilicate,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 87, 89-92 (2004). |
2) |
K. Fukuda, T. Bessho, K. Matsunaga and H. Yoshida,
“Chemical Zoning of Calcium Aluminoferrite Formed during Melt Crystallization in
CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3 Pseudoquaternary System,”
Cem. Concr. Res., 34, 1535-1540 (2004). |
3) |
K. Fukuda, A. Moriyama and S. Hashimoto,
“Crystal Structure and Phase Transitions of Strontium Zirconium Diorthophosphate, SrZr(PO4)2,”
J. Solid State Chem., 177, 3514-3521 (2004). |
4) |
K. Fukuda, H. Matsubara, K. Fukutani and H. Yoshida,
“Powder X-ray Diffraction Data of a New Calcium Zirconium Phosphate Ca7Zr(PO4)6,”
Powder Diffr., 19, 385-387 (2004). |
5) |
S. Hashimoto, A. Yamaguchi and K. Fukuda,
“Synthesis of Leucite Crystals Using Potash Feldspar (in Japanese),”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 112, 242-244 (2004). |
1) |
K. Fukuda, S. Inoue and H. Yoshida,
“Substitution of Sodium and Silicon in Tricalcium Aluminate,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 86, 112-114 (2003). |
2) |
K. Fukuda, S. Inoue and H. Yoshida,
“Cationic Substitution in Tricalcium Aluminate,”
Cem. Concr. Res., 33, 1771-1775 (2003). |
3) |
K. Fukuda, N. Hattori and H. Yoshida,
“Fractional Crystallization of Liquid Coexisting with α-Ca2SiO4 Solid Solution in CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3 Pseudoquaternary System,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 86, 2154-2161 (2003). |
4) |
K. Fukuda and H. Matsubara ,
“Anisotropic Thermal Expansion in Yttrium Silicate,”
J. Mater. Res., 18, 1715-1722 (2003). |
5) |
K. Fukuda and K. Fukutani,
“Crystal Structure of Calcium Zirconium Diorthophosphate, CaZr(PO4)2,”
Powder Diffr., 18, 296-300 (2003). |
1) |
K. Fukuda and K. Yamauchi,
“Anisotropic Thermal Expansion in CaAl4O7,”
J. Mater. Res., 17, 1050-1054 (2002). |
2) |
K. Fukuda and H. Ando,
“Determination of the Pcmn/Ibm2 Phase Boundary at High Temperaturesin the System Ca2Fe2O5-Ca2Al2O5,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 85, 1300-1302 (2002). |
3) |
K. Fukuda, H. Taguchi and T. Fukuda,
“Effect of Substituent Ions on Martensitic Transformation Temperatures in Dicalcium Silicate Solid Solutions,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 85, 1804-1806 (2002). |
1) |
K. Fukuda, N. Wakamatsu and S. Ito,
“Improvement in Hydration Reactivity of α-Phase Belite by Remelting Reaction,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 84, 639-641 (2001). |
2) |
K. Fukuda, A. Takeda, A. Yamaguchi, S. Hashimoto and H. Yoshida,
“Characterization of Liquid Exsolved by Remelting Reaction of Belite,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 84, 1155-1160 (2001). |
3) |
K. Fukuda, A. Takeda and H. Yoshida,
“Remelting Reaction of α-Ca2SiO4 Solid Solution Confirmed in Ca2SiO4-Ca12Al14O33 Pseudobinary System,”
Cem. Concr. Res., 31, 1185-1189 (2001). |
4) |
K. Fukuda, T. Fukuda, A. Suzuki and A. Yamaguchi,
“Thermoelastic Martensitic Transformation and Shape Memory Effect in Sr2(Si,Ge)O4,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 109, 1017-1022 (2001). |
5) |
K. Fukuda,
“Anisotropic Thermal Expansion of Sc2(MoO4)3,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 109, 846-850 (2001). |
1) |
K. Fukuda,
“Intracrystalline Microtexture of Synthetic Merwinite,”
J. Mater. Res., 15, 1570-1575 (2000). |
2) |
K. Fukuda,
“Phenomenological Analysis of Martensitic Transformation in Dicalcium Silicate,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 108, 701-704 (2000). |
3) |
K. Fukuda, H. Taguchi, Y. Nomura and T. Ota,
“Surface Relief Induced by Martensitic Transformation in Phosphorus-Bearing Dicalcium Silicate,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 83, 2097-2099 (2000). |
1) |
K. Fukuda,
“Phenomenological Analysis of α'L-to-β Martensitic Transformation in Phosphorus-Bearing Dicalcium Silicate,”
J. Mater. Res., 14 [2] 460-464 (1999). |
2) |
K. Fukuda and S. Ito,
“Highly Reactive Remelted Belite,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 82 [3] 637-640 (1999). |
3) |
K. Fukuda and H. Taguchi,
“Hydration of α'L- and β-Dicalcium Silicates with Identical Concentration of Phosphorus Oxide,”
Cem. Concr. Res., 29, 503-506 (1999). |
4) |
K. Fukuda and S. Ito,
“Improvement in Reactivity and Grindability of Belite-Rich Cement by Remelting Reaction,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 82 [8] 2177-2180 (1999). |
5) |
K. Fukuda, N. Wakamatsu, S. Ito and H. Yoshida,
“Acceleration of Early Hydration in Belite-Rich Cement by Remelting Reaction,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 107 [10] 901-906 (1999). |
1) |
K. Fukuda,
“Redetermination of Orientation of Coherent Interface Boundaries Between α- and α'H-Phases in Dicalcium Silicate,”
Cem. Concr. Res., 28, 1105-1108 (1998). |
2) |
K. Fukuda, S. Ito and H. Taguchi,
“Thermoelasticity of Belite in Portland Cement Clinker,”
Cem. Concr. Res., 28, 1141-1145 (1998). |
3) |
K. Fukuda, E. Iizuka, H. Taguchi and S. Ito,
“Effect of Crystal Grain Size and Thermal Stress on Martensitic Transformation of
Phosphorus-Bearing Dicalcium Silicates,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 81 [10] 2729-2731 (1998). |
1) |
K. Fukuda, I. Maki, S. Ito and T. Miyake,
“Structural Change in Phosphorus-Bearing Dicalcium Silicates,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 105 [2] 117-121 (1997). |
2) |
K. Fukuda, I. Maki and S. Ito,
“Anisotropic Thermal Expansion of β-Ca2SiO4 Monoclinic Crystal,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 80 [6] 1595-1598 (1997). |
1) |
K. Fukuda, I. Maki, S. Ito and S Ikeda,
“Structure Change in Strontium Oxide-Doped Dicalcium Silicates,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 79 [10] 2577-2581 (1996). |
2) |
K. Fukuda, I. Maki and S. Ito,
“Thermoelastic Behavior in Ca2SiO4 Solid Solutions,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 79 [11] 2925-2928 (1996). |
3) |
K. Fukuda, I. Maki and S. Ito,
“Thermal Hysteresis for the α'L ↔ β Transformations in Strontium Oxide-Doped Dicalcium Silicates,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 79 [11] 2969-2970 (1996). |
1) |
K. Fukuda, I. Maki, S. Ito and K. Toyoda,
“Kinetics of Remelting Reaction in Ca2SiO4 Solid Solutions,”
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 103 [5] 444-448 (1995). |
2) |
K. Fukuda, I. Maki, S. Ito and H. Yoshida,
“Phase Stability Study on the Remelting Reaction in Ca2SiO4 Solid Solutions,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 78 [12] 3387-3389 (1995). |
3) |
I. Maki, K. Fukuda, T. Imura, H. Yoshida and S. Ito,
“Formation of Belite Clusters from Quartz Grains in Portland Cement Clinker,”
Cem. Concr. Res., 25, 835-840 (1995). |
4) |
I. Maki, K. Fukuda, E. Oba, H. Yoshida, M. Mitsumatsu and S. Ito,
“Anisotropic Light Absorption of the Calcium Aluminoferrite Phase in Portland Cement Clinker,”
Cem. Concr. Res., 25, 863-869 (1995). |
1) |
K. Fukuda, I. Maki, S. Ito, H. Yoshida and K. Aoki,
“Structure and Microtexture Changes in Phosphorous-Bearing Ca2SiO4 Solid Solutions,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 77 [10] 2615-2619 (1994). |
2) |
K. Fukuda, I. Maki, S. Ito, H. Yoshida and C. Kato,
“Effect of Al/Fe Ratio in Belite on the Microtexture Induced by the Remelting Reaction,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 77 [11] 3027-3029 (1994). |
3) |
I. Maki, T. Tanioka, S. Ito, K. Maeda and K. Fukuda,
“Texture and Grindability of the Dust Component in Portland Cement Clinker,”
Cem. Concr. Res., 24, 497-502 (1994). |
1) K. Fukuda and I. Maki,
“Orientation of Coherent Interphase Boundaries Formed by the α to α'H Phase Transition in Belite Crystals,”
Cem. Concr. Res., 23, 599-602 (1993). |
2) K. Fukuda, I. Maki, K. Toyoda and S. Ito,
“Kinetics of the α- to-α'H Polymorphic Phase Transition of Ca2SiO4 Solid Solutions,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 76 [7] 1821-1824 (1993). |
3) K. Fukuda, I. Maki, S. Ikeda and S. Ito,
“Microtextures Formed by the Remelting Reaction in Belite Crystals,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 76 [11] 2942-2944 (1993). |
4) I. Maki, S. Ito, T. Tanioka, Y. Ohno and K. Fukuda,
“Clinker Grindability and Textures of Alite and Belite,”
Cem. Concr. Res., 23, 1078-1084 (1993). |
1) K. Fukuda, I. Maki and K. Adachi,
“Structure Change of Ca2SiO4 Solid Solutions with Ba Concentration,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 75 [4] 884-888 (1992). |
2) K. Fukuda, I. Maki and S. Ito,
“Remelting Reaction within Belite Crystals during Cooling,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 75 [10] 2896-2898 (1992). |
3) I. Maki, K. Fukuda, H. Yoshida and J. Kumaki,
“Effect of MgO and SO3 on the Impurity Concentration in Alite in Portland Cement Clinker,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 75 [11] 3163-3165 (1992). |
1) I. Maki, K. Fukuda, S. Seki and T. Tanioka,
“Impurity Distribution During Crystal Growth of Alite in Portland Cement Clinker,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 74 [9] 2082-2085 (1991). |
1) K. Fukuda and I. Maki,
“Transitional Phase of Ca2SiO4 Solid Solution with Incommensurate Superstructure,”
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 72 [11] 2204-2207 (1989). |
2) K. Fukuda and I. Maki,
“Orientation of β-Ca2SiO4 Solid Solution Lamellae Formed in the Host α-Phase,”
Cem. Concr. Res., 19, 913-918 (1989). |
1) K. Fukuda, T. Yamanaka and M. Tokonami,
“Dependence of Exsolution Textures in Synthetic Augite on its Composition and Cooling Rate,”
Mineral. J., 13 [6] 376-389 (1987). |
2) I. Maki, S. Takahashi, M. Hattori and K. Fukuda,
“Impurity Distribution in Zoned Alite in Portland Clinker as Determined by CMA,”
Il Cemento, 84, 351-358 (1987). |